FT-IR Microscopic Identification of Fibers

The identification of fibers is of high importance in forensic science as it can yield trace evidence in a criminal case. A fiber found at the crime scene can provide information about the criminal. In textile industry the identification of individual fibers in the textile matrix is interesting as a part of the quality control process, e.g. to track an unwanted polymer fiber used in a yarn. For conservators of textile artifacts the ability to differentiate between fibers originating from different natural materials is very helpful to choose an appropriate treatment. FT-IR microscopy is a very powerful technique to characterize the chemical composition of natural and synthetic fibers, both organic and inorganic in nature. Read application note AN102 FT-IR Microscopic Identification of Fibers.

Veröffentlicht am: 4. September 2014
Kategorie: Produktionstechnik